Every year, we have what in Mexico would be like "Black Friday" but instead of a single day, it's a whole weekend where you can save a pretty penny. The purpose of this long weekend is to give a boost to the Mexican economy.

But how does it work? Several companies give a discount, rebates or promotions on their products or services for the whole weekend, attracting thousands of consumers. The first edition of "Buen Fin" was in 2011. "Buen Fin" translates to "Good Weekend" and we're all feeling good this weekend! This year, the "Buen Fin" will be from Friday 18 to Monday 21 November.

Our friends at El Squid Roe will have a 2 x 1 promotion on tcos, hambuergers, and drinks until 7 pm. Gotta catch this deal! Would you like every weekend to be like the "Buen Fin"? Baja Pass has 2 x 1 discounts on services, activities, tours, restaurants and much more!